Sunday, October 10, 2010

Licking a stamp burns 10 calories. Just Saying.

Good morning starshine! The Earth says hello!

This morning I wanted to shoot something by ya. Nothing too deep, just something thats on my mind. Lately, I've actually been ahead on homework...WOO! So, consequently, I've had a tad bit of down time. In this downtime I've been curious about the orgin of my name and this is what I've come up with.

Simone - listen, hear
Nicole - people of victory
Amalio - Industrious

How cool is that. Now I was like, Industrious, thats kind of lame. The definition from says this:

industrious: working energetically and devotedly; hard-working; diligent: an industrious person.

So essentially my name says: I'm one who hears, a people of victory, and devotedly hardworking. How awesome is this idea if we apply it in a Christian light! Isn't that what we should all be striving towards? One who hears the needs of others, and hears the Word of God himself. One who lives like overwhelming victory is already ours through what Christ has done for us. And working energetically and devotedly for God! I LOVE THAT! This week I'm really going to challenge myself to live this out, and maybe you'd like to do the same?

THe definition of a Christian is a follower of Christ. A "little Christ" if you will. Lets really dive into what the definition of a follower of Christ. Lets really live that out! Can you imagine if 10 people truly did that, or 100. Imagine how drastically we could change the world around us.

So yeah, this is a little something that was on my mind. Nothing too heavy. Maybe you'll even look up the definition of your own name? I dont know. But this week dive into the definition of your faith. I think if you are earnestly seeking after what that means in your life, you'll be surprised at what you find.

Dig deeper

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mount Everest rises a few millimeters every year. Just Saying.

Oh hey there, its been awhile. Me? Oh, I'm great! Yeah, workloads been decent. Nothing to hard....yet. My family's good, thanks for asking. Yours too? Great, glad to hear it. Now that we're all caught up...

My most sincere apologies to everyone who keeps asking why I'm not posting. I write a TON in college, so that makes me somewhat lose my motivation when it comes to writing for fun. BUT I'm back. Ready to type my thoughts out to all of you who are cool enough to read what I have to say.

So this past week I got an assignment in my communications class. I had to participate in a "spiritual practice" that involved listening to God. After said task was completed I had to write a "reflection". Of course I did NOT have any desire to do this what-so-ever. The conclusion however surprised even me. I know it's kind of lengthy, but I don't think it will bore you too much. Below I'm sharing with you my reflection. I hope what happened to me, inspires you to maybe do something similar...

It was a beautiful fall day. The sunlight peered out between the red and orange leaves. As I walked along the sidewalk I embraced the crisp fall air around me. I shoved my hands in my pockets and shuffled along. A cool gust of wind picked up the fallen leaves around my feet, and I pulled my hat onto my head. The sounds of geese overhead flying south and the soft wind in the trees engulfed me as I walked alone. But that’s just it.; in this moment I was not alone.
My best friend was there along side me. He’s this cool guy; his name is Jesus. If you haven’t met him, you most definitely should. So many times when we hang out, I do all the talking. I tell him about my day. I tell him all of the great things that happened, and how grateful I am. I tell him all of my worries and needs. I ask him to help me out, because he will in a heartbeat. He’s that kind of guy. And then, right as I finish talking, it’s his turn. What do I do? I say all right thanks a lot, we should do this again soon, and I walk away. I leave him standing there. He never got in a word.
But this time, this time it was different. I didn’t say anything; nothing at all. I just waited. What happened next was something I haven’t done since I first found Christ, I listened to God talk to me. No, the clouds didn’t part. There was no white dove from the heavens (there were a few sparrows flying around though). But he talked, and I listened.
It’s not that I haven’t asked him to talk to me. I haven’t really meant it. I haven’t waited. It was only when the distractions, and noise were gone. It was only when it was simply me, with my open and willing heart, and him, that I heard from heaven.
What turned out to be an obligation, ended up being exactly what I needed in my life. I have been praying for answers, but I haven’t been giving Jesus a chance to answer. This weekend my daddy and I talked for the first time in a long time. Jesus, we should do this again sometime…real soon.

When was the last time you just listened. Sincerely, and earnestly just listened. Theres a song lyric by Addison Road that says, " Tried to hear from heaven, but I talked the whole time." How often is that us? This week I urge you to just listen. Get away from it all. No music, no fan on, no nothing. Just silence. You'll be surprised at how much you hear when all there is, is silence.
