Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Romans did not use soap. Just Saying.

Wow, where does the time go?? There are only 14 days until I leave for school. Some of my friends are already leaving. It makes you really feel, well...old. When you put it into terms like, "oh, I'm moving out of my house in 2 weeks", it makes you feel a little elderly if you know what I'm saying.

So life has been treating me rather well lately. God has been blessing me in so many ways. It is easy to get caught up in the blessings and not the "blesser" so to speak. Yesterday was one of those days where I needed to be really focused on the "blesser" and I decided to read a tad bit of Proverbs. I have got to say whenever I need to feel grounded, Proverbs is where I like to turn. As I was reading through the thoughts and words of those wise men from so many years before me, something in particular stood out. It was Proverbs 12:18.
Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing.

There are two parts to this verse (obviously I mean, come on, there is a comma) The first part I think we can all relate to all too well. We can all remember a moment. Where we were, what the weather was like, what we were wearing. Its vivid, an all too clear picture of that time that person said that thing you will never forget. They were just words, but they "cut".

For instance, I was in second grade. On the bus. On the left hand side, 5th row. And a boy who shall remain nameless got all of his big 3rd grad friends to call me Snow White and made me cry. Yeah, those kids were jerks.

The second half of this verse though is what really stuck out to me. As I'm getting ready to go off to college; to prepare and equip myself for a life of ministry, I can only hope one day my words will be so powerful that they can bring healing. Words alone-bringing healing- that's such a bind blowing concept for me. I hope as I go off to school, I don't lose sight of that. I want to be all God has called me to be, I want to bring healing to those who need it.

The blood of Jesus makes me worthy.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Saying Justin Bieber in a British accent is too much fun. Just Saying.

Well, well, well. As college is fast approaching (34 days to be exact) I am getting more and more excited. I find out my roomate this week, which in all honesty freaks me out to the millionth degree. I mean come on, this is the person I have to co-habitate with in a jail cell Esq room for the next Now that I've put it in the most odd terms ever...

I've been buying new stuff for school. Of course all the necessities like sheets, and a lamp, etc. But then all of the random stuff you never would think of bringing, but is a totally good idea. Like a bottle of Advil, and tide to go, and a mini thing of dish soap? Living on my own, is going to be a blast- don't get me wrong. But as I am getting swept up in all of this excitement I realize something. I realize I'm taking my eye off of the goal. I'm letting my focus stray away from why I'm actually going to school.

While I cant wait to move in, and there's nothing wrong with having fun in all that is happening, I can't lose my focus. That the reason I am going to this school is to be equipped in the best way possible to tell people about Jesus. Something as important as that can never be left out of mind. All of this makes me think about the human mind. How we are so susceptible to the world around us. We are so easily distracted and caught up in what is momentarily going on. Its so easy to lose our focus, no matter how important it may be.

No matter what your purpose in college is, in life really, I ask you to consider where is your focus? We cannot take our eyes of the destination, or we will fail.

I also ask you today to say "Justin Bieber" in a British accent. It is way too funny. You will be glad you did haha.

Eyes on the prize