Sunday, September 5, 2010

On the clearest night the stars don't shine in the Twp. Just Saying.

Hi, hello there. My name is Simone. Im 18 years old. Im moving out of my house tomorrow morning.

It blows my mind how quickly this summer has gone by. I feel like in this moment a "woosh" sound effect is needed. *woosh* I can honestly say this has been the best summer of my life. I could at this point go on and on about what I did, but I do not think that is necessary. "I never look back darling, it distracts from the now."

As I look FORWARD I cannot wait to see what God has for me. Sure, today will be filled with tearful goodbyes and gut-wrenching moments, but tomorrow I will saying lots of hellos and meeting so many new people I am sure will influence the rest of my life.

Ok I lied, so I am going to talk a bit about the past here. If I had to set a "soundtrack" for this summer. If I had to pick one album to encompass all that has happened, it would have to be A Beautiful Exchange by Hillsong Live. (Who I saw LIVE front row center this summer...cough cough...just saying) I know that my life is not my own. I lay me down for Kingdom come. The future is for God to mold me into who He needs me to be! I am so excited for that. I cannot wait for it. Why am I so discouraged now? Why so uncomfortable with leaving? I know that is just the enemy whispering in my ear. I must ALLOW God's peace to fill me these next couple of days. The offers there I just have to take it! He has been so good to me, I have no reason to doubt him. I have no reason to be afraid. If God is with me WHO DARES stand against me.

The future is bright. See you in Spring Arbor.

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